Terms of Service

Please read these Terms of Use ("Agreement" or "Terms of Use") carefully. Unless you accept this agreement, you are not authorized to use this site or any other Platform CRM service. By visiting, browsing, or using this site or any other Platform CRM service, you agree to be bound by this agreement including any additional terms, conditions, and policies incorporated by reference into it.

By registering with Platform CRM, you agree to a monthly recurring subscription fee at the then-current subscription rate, and you accept responsibility for all recurring charges until you cancel your subscription. You may cancel your subscription at any time, subject to the terms of our cancellation policy (see below).

In addition to the monthly Platform CRM subscription fee, it is the client’s responsibility to pay for any additional marketing expenses. Additional marketing expenses include ad campaign costs and domain purchases for their ad campaigns. Domains purchased through the website are the property of Platform CRM.

Platform CRM retains ownership of intellectual property assets, including but not limited to landing page and website designs, proprietary digital ads (targeting analytics and ad copy), content, and Platform CRM software access. Any Facebook post published by Platform CRM is the property of Platform CRM, including but not limited to photos, text, and video content. These marketing assets are owned by Platform CRM and cannot be shared, sold, or otherwise duplicated by without written permission from Platform CRM.

Automatic renewal terms: Upon subscription, Platform CRM will automatically process your subscription fee in the next billing cycle. Platform CRM will continue to automatically process your subscription fee each term at the current subscription rate, until you cancel your subscription (see "Cancellation Policy" below).

Platform CRM is not liable for any advertising compliance or regulatory guidance issued by a brokerage, association, or government. It is your responsibility to be aware aware of the regulatory and compliance guidelines for your industry.

User Generated Content
Certain parts of Platform CRM, including but not limited to the campaign builder, may allow you to upload, post, or transmit information or messages. By submitting any text, photographs, images, video or other materials (the "User Content"), you grant to Platform CRM a perpetual, nonexclusive, transferable irrevocable license to use the User Content for any lawful purpose, including but not limited to modifying, reformatting, distributing, displaying, and creating derivative works of your User Content, subject to the Platform CRM Privacy Policy. You acknowledge and agree Platform CRM may monitor, alter, or remove from Platform CRM any User Content provided by you without prior notice or obligation to you. You acknowledge that you have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality in any User Content you post or transmit via Platform CRM. By uploading any User Content, you represent and warrant to Platform CRM that your User Content:

You agree to hold harmless and indemnify Platform CRM and all of its directors, officers, affiliates, parent and subsidiary companies, shareholders, members, agents, affiliates, licensors, other independent contractors and employees from and against any third party claim arising from or in any way related to your breach of this TOS, your breach of the warranties set forth therein, or your use of Platform CRM, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, actual and consequential damages, suits, judgments, litigation costs, and attorneys' fees, of every kind and nature. In such a case, Platform CRM will provide you with written notice of such claim, suit or action.

Cancellation Policy:
Platform CRM subscriptions can be terminated by either party. No refunds will be issued, prorated or otherwise. You may cancel your subscription at any time by requesting such action through your assigned account manager, or via [email protected]. You will receive a confirmation email to confirm the cancellation. You will be allowed access to Platform CRM software and resources until the end of that subscription's active period.

No refunds will be issued for previous subscription terms service, regardless of activity (or lack thereof) in the program.

At the cancellation of the account, you will be removed from all Platform CRM related services and groups.

It is the responsibility of the user to extract any and all desired information out of the Platform CRM software and resources before cancellation (assistance to do so is available by contacting your account manager or [email protected]).

Failed Charges:
In the event of failed subscription payments, you will be notified via email that your payment source was not able to be charged. To update payment information, go to https://cg.platformcrm.com/account/billing. You can also contact your account manager or [email protected] for issues related to billing.

Failed payments are automatically retried 4 times approximate 7 day period. If none of these retries succeeds, the Platform CRM subscription will automatically cancel and the Platform CRM client will be locked out of Platform CRM software and other resources until the failed payments are remedied.